These might include scrapping such pointless bodies as the economic and social committee and the committee of regions , replacing a european parliament that cannot win legitimacy with a european senate made up of national parliaments , and repatriating more powers back to nation - states 可能是:取消诸如经社委员会和地区委员会这类毫无意义的机构、用各国议会组成的欧洲参议院取代没有合法性的欧洲议会、以及返还更多的权力给各成员国。
Also , news reporter mr . hoang le , a member of the aulacese social committee , said that he planned to visit the montreal center and interview the initiates to write articles about the supreme master ching hai international association for aulacese newspapers in canada and the usa 另外有位报社记者,也是悠乐社会委员会委员黄黎先生hoang le ,表示希望能拜访小中心做进一步的采访,藉此写报导介绍清海无上师世界会给美加地区悠乐报纸的读者。